My MDJM is dying. o__O"
Just been too busy these days with other stuff.
I'm sure things will turn around for it though.
Hmm, speaking of which. Whatever happened to my m.a. school? o__O"
Despite my obvious martial arts prowess, I've yet to write a manual for my secret techniques, or open a school, or even take a disciple. How terrible. Whatever would happen if I got hit by a blimp or something, before I managed to pass on my skills?
Ahhh, I suppose I'd better start recruiting.

If ANYONES wants to joining my m.a. school, please signup here.
It's called 'Golden Cupcake School' and we teach both 'Mighty Steel Armpit' gongfu and 'Shin Mukou MEEGAgami Tenryuken' style ninjutsu. Furthermore, if you are a member ofthe Mountain Donuts, we have a third, secret martial art available to teach.
Note: 'Shin Mukou MEEGAgami Tenryuken' roughly translates to 'True Workless MEGAgod Turning Dragon Fist'.
Another thing I wanna talk about is this weird dream I had. Pretty much, I was at school watching Second Stage Vizard Ichigo dishing it out in the Donut Quad against Tommy Nguyen, who in my dream was a shinigami. o__O"
Quite odd, somehow his Bankai [which was Sladar on a stick] outclassed Ichigo, and his sladar blew half of Ichigo's mask off. Then I proceeded to cannon down the rest of Ichigo with my arm. Quite fun.
The Mountain Donuts [Maria, Springy and Phillip Enego], ran towards the grounded Ichigo in their awesome black business suits, complete with a silver bar clip to complement the tie, rectangular sunglasses, and a communication earpiece. Pretty much, they detained him while he was on the ground. It was quite odd.
Alex Lok was my superior, and we had a conversation about the increasing number of first hollowification of our shinigami, and how Soul Society were too busy dealing with Arrancar cases to send any support. He said that "If it continues like this, we may start to become overrun when the war begins."
Anyway, Craigass came outta the office and was all like "Oh my god! What happened to the Donut Quad?!" to which we replied that another involuntary hollow transformation had occurred.
Anyway, after this big attack, we got our physics results back and i got 17/30, and we sat down and played Mario Kart in 300cc.
Good end to a dream.
did you actually get 17/30?
shit, what if i fail D=
im sure you did better than that..
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