Yesterday's photos were terrible. I think I'm at an all time low.
[Huurr. Get it? Low as in both low in metaphorical position, but also as in physically short?]
Best joke.
But somehow, this time I was IN THE MIDDLE of the first row of people standing. With all the women flanking us. I was ONE person away from standing on the seats but NOOOOOOO, Peepee had to take that away from me.
Is this really what it's come to?

Standing with only THESE GUYS shorter than me?
What a life. - -"
Anyway, today... I failed the physics test at Peak. Far. Just because of slightly dodgy memory too.
Anyway, got water test back as well. Somehow by losing half a mark, I managed to drop about 6 ranks. Good job to me. Actually, some of the mistakes were the shittiest things ever. For one question, I had '0.1(5) = 500', and the funny thing was, I actually looked over it twice while doing the exam, and thought, "Yep. That seems definitely correct. Full marks for that question at least."
Oh. But I smashed Warren in 'Water', and actually, Peepee smashed a lot of the class as well, so yeah.
There shall be some major ass slapping.
Oh, and today was kinda cold. I haven't felt that alive in so long, freaking hell. I miss proper winter days so much, and freaking global warming is taking that away from me. Actually, the cold brought us all together like penguins... Well, actually, the cold as well as handheld games.

Kevin, Dissolved Oxygen, Lian, Winnie, Monica and Three, all huddled around an epic game of 'tap tap'.

Alex, Warren, Tommy, Ben, Paul, Billy and Jamie, all huddled around an epic game of Mario Kart.
Springy is missing because she's behind me trying to tickle me. I'm missing because obviously I'm the one taking the picture.
Anyway, about the water test. Warren. Be prepared to hold up your end of the bet. You lost to me fair and square, and I know you know the consequences shall be severe.
Suffice to say,
"There shall be some major ass slapping."
P.S. Peepee = Paul Pham
so many huddles :O
whos peepee?
i didnt tickle you. =3
poor anh, being a short guy. i still treat him like a chibi even though he IS NOW TALLER THAN ME!! D<
he used to be shorter than me in yr 7 T__T
'Springy is missing because she's behind me trying to tickle me. I'm missing because obviously I'm the one taking the picture.'
I know this sounds dumb but.. before finishing that sentence I was thinking to myself.. Oooh yeah where is Anh ! -fail- It's late, leave me alone ! T_T
I miss proper winter days too! I want it to snow T_T
first beowls pham now peepee
anyway, i told you, photos are degrading
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