Anyway, my group and I were standing under the library like hobos, all hands in pockets from the cold, talking about what we would do if we won the lottery, like that hobo in the newspaper who said he would buy a house if he won. xD
Iunno why, but somehow I felt like an epic hobo today.
Anyway, epic failed chem. Fucking. How the hell does everyone know what scientific principles mean? ><" I freaking start ranting on about how Mendeleev was a good scientist and shit because he stuck to his hypothesis. TT_____TT My sheet is gunna be the laughing stock. Anyway, lack of sleep turns out to be quite scary. Before class started, I fell asleep (because it was like, 4:15, who wouldn't be tired?). Anyway, I wake up to someone telling me not to cry and something touching my back. Turns out it was sir. - -" Not the most pleasant thing to wake up to. I just look up and see Truong all like, "=D". I swear I just went O________O""" and froze in place.
Truong: *patting me on the back* Don't cry. It's okay Anh Le,
Me: O____O
Truong: Kevin's not going to die [referencing that Kevin Thay is away sick]; it's just a bit of swine flu. *still patting me on the back*
Me: Err.
Truong: It's okay. *looks around, still patting me on the back* Do you guys like pats on the back when you're sad? Anh Le, is my patting cheering you up.
Me: *speechless*
Truong: *still patting me on the back* I like being patted on the back when I'm sad... and listening to the Wiggles. I should be the black Wiggle. I'd start yelling at the sleepy one. *looks around* Do you guys think I should be the black Wiggle?
*finally finished patting me*
This whole thing spanned about a minute.
-the guy who apparently cries in Truong over Swine Flu victims
oh yeah! and apparently my hair is shaped like a turnip, because after I'm done showering and blow drying my hair, the back end sticks up in the opposite direction to my chin, while the rest of my hair stays down.

whats with the black Wiggle? o.o
heh turnip :)
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