Man, paintball today was epic. Ehheh, I arrived second, after Robert. Everyone was so much later than us. Was kinda awkward. I don't talk to Robert. Anyway, Grace [and Jamie as luggage] was early as usual. Ahha. So was Kelman. But bus was 8 mins late so that was okay.
• I had no problems getting to glenfield at all.
• Everyone was here, all 40/40 people.
• Noone was late [almost].
• The markers were epic low pressure, so although they didn't go very straight at all, there wasn't any bruising for me.
• Everyone was here, all 40/40 people.
• The girls were too scared to do anything as long as there were loud noises around them, so if you just rapidly shot at their cover, they'd think that there were a thousand people shooting at them, and would be incapable of moving at all. It basically meant I could just give myself cover, while I slowly walked from place to place. Not full easy.
• By doing the above, and walking up right next to them, I got 20 people, despite having terrible hand eye co-ordination.
• I also got Kevin in the eye/visor. xD
• Anne taking off her visor at the end of the day. Red splatter all over the bottom of her face, but nowhere else, and she didn't even realise it, so it wasn't smeared. Just like, splatter. Looks up at Grace, puts on this full normal and innocent smile and asks, "How do I look?"
LIKE SOME DEMON LOLI WHO JUST FINISHED EATING PEOPLE. How about that? Did not shit my pants when I saw that. [I didn't. It's a figure of speech.]
• Everyone wants to go again.
• The paint tasted like crap. Let's hope someone comes up with strawberry flavoured marker next time.
• The cup didn't have straps. See my awesome improvisation skills below.
• The bus was late for 8 minutes.
• Despite me saying there wasn't bruising, and it didn't really hurt, when it hit the soft parts of your body, it still ended up giving us a welt in the form of a red ass ring. DOES NOT LOOK LIKE I HAVE THE PLAGUE.
• My marker kept randomly jamming and ejaculating red shit on people. 9 times!
• Some people were idiots, and repeatedly shot the people on their team. Namely me. AFTER I'd just owned two people on the other team too, without their cover. WHILST they were randomly cowering in fear. Just walked up and shot Amanda from the side, after advacing three barricades without any cover from my team. Then suddenly, shot four times in the back and twice in the head. Turn around, and it's my own fucking team mate. Some fucking red haired faggot from the other school. Did not swear the whole way back to the dead zone.
• Despite putting up my hand and yelling hit, for three seconds, three green team faggots kept shooting me.
• The place is full expensive, the photo and everything. Paintballs ran out too fast too.
Anyway, about the cup. FAR. Shoulda believed Jana when she said it was just a cup, no straps. But who really believes Jana? Seriously. So yeah, I came in boxers, and I realised I needed and extra pair of underwear to keep it in place. In the end I asked for duct tape, but like, everyone else was wearing cups inside the underwear, and isn't that gross? I refuse to wear something like that inside, so in the end, to keep it in place, I used prolly about 4-5 metres of tape to create something to hold it in place. Geez, wrapped around outside my boxers, up to my stomach, and as low as my knees. Freaking felt like a safety harness. Especially after I ran for a while, and it rolled over itself. Felt like wire cutting into me whenever I ran. LOLs. Hurt more than the paintballs.
About the picture, don't be too disgusted, it was used outside my underwear. Whoever uses it inside their underwear is disgusting. Oh, and if you're wondering why it's so little tape, let me tell you most of that mass is SOLID, and that's only half of what I used.
Well, in any case. Hectic day. Hope we go again.
Alice's copy of the photo.
LOL at Ben Soo man. Maximise it and take a look. Prolly the sissiest expression here besides Kevin Thay's. LOL. What happened there? Ahh, and Alice is completely blocking out Jonathan too. Ahha.
BTW Blosia. If you ever read this, thanks for the extra slice of pizza. It really made a difference. *sincerity*