It's terrible!
I managed to let myself get axe kicked there. Grah.
I walk like an old man now.
Limp every time I need to support myself on my left leg.
Hmph. Anyway, I bought tkd shoes today.
Somehow the things I do makes me seem like I'm copying Tommy Nguyen, like Ragnarok, TKD, MapleStory and various other games.
Eh, but at least Kevin got them too.
Hrm, that reminds me. Speaking of martial arts shoes and shoes in general, I've noticed that people in the last few years have started to wear shoes from Rabens or something? I really don't get what's so good about them. Aren't they just a rip off of kungfu shoes?

Good old gongfu shoes

Rabens in multiple colours
I swear it's as though some white guy came along, saw some old Asian guy wearing these doing Taijiquan in the city or something and thought, "WOW. If I made these in different colours and patterns, I could get half the tbs in Sydney wearing them."
Ah, there's nothing wrong with them though. If they really are just kungfu shoes in different colours they're probably comfortable and cheap, except with maybe less grip. I remember Andrew Do almost stacking it in these multiple times.
Kungfu shoes cost $20 by the way. How much do Rabens?
Ah. After HSC, I've decided I'm going to go Shu Shin Bou and binge on daifuku. Anyone wanna come with?
Ahah, that reminds me, I still have to hold an ice cream party. The post-HSC shall make me very fat indeed. >=D
Hrm, rather than thinking about that, I should really start studying for the yearlies. It's so boring though! Who would want to start?
are you gonna wear these to school too? ;D
moshi moshi daifuku daifuku
you have huge feet o_O
shu shin bou. I wanted to go there! but everyone bailed on me sighhh Dx
who axe kicked you? was it the patty girl? zomg shes mean!
LOL, its okay. I haven't even started studying for the HSC.
Raben shoes are 20 dollars too
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