On top of this, the junior classes are now joining our class, just like the old days...
Damn all!
If there's one thing I hate more than Valley Cakes, it's interacting with little kids.
Urhh. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I hate little kids or something? They're really cute, and fun to play with, it's just, when I want to learn things, little kids tend to drag me down. They run around like crazy and scream random things, and now the place is gunna be epic packed. This wouldn't have happened if master was more like Billy Cai, and stopped teaching so many people for free! D=<
This shot makes it look a little pathetic actually...
It's been sitting outside the door to my room all this time and is starting to give off suspicious smells. Ahh, I wonder how people feel walking through the doorway and seeing that.
Anyway. Far. Today as I was about to head off to English or something, I saw Mr. Pitt walk through the gate under the library with McDonalds. FREAKING PREMIUM CUNT.
Not totally rich at all, buying McDonalds. You know what I freaking had for lunch?

McDnoald's. Freaking McDnoald's, and Pittass goes off buying rich keint food.
I guess that's the income difference between Head of Science and Mountain Donut Captains.
Don't make freaking 5 dollars a year.
china :D
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