Hooray for Epic Fail - 20% gone.
Anyway, sinced I missed out on bio to fail a test, I was pretty annoyed.
Recess was a bit better; Maria Cart DS ftw. Lmfao. The whole time, the Fat One kept going on about how he was a drift king etc. and how he was the best.
Then lunch comes, and he would've been 10 seconds better off if he had grip-driven.
Some drift-king.
Anyway, during physics, we were discussing how a 10 km meteor would be enough to eradicate all life on Earth.
It started because Paul asked him,
"Sir what would happen if a big meteor hit us?"
"How big?"
"BIG. Like the size of the sun"
"A meteor with a diameter of 10km would kill us all."
"Oh... I guess a meteor the size of the sun is overdoing it then."
Sir then went on to explain that 10 km is from the school to Liverpool and we would die no matter what; it would cause a tsunami half a kilometer high, and if that didn't kill us, the lack of sun from the dust clouds would kill us in the following weeks.
It turns out that the best way to die, if the meteor actually comes, is to be right under it. It's better than suffering.
Anyway, somehow that ended up with me daydreaming about what would happen if a marshmallow of the same size hit the Earth. o___O
So yeah, I stuck up my hand and asked Mr. Pitt what would happen if hypothetically, a marshmallow of the same size somehow didn't burn up on impact and it hit the Earth.
He explained that it depended on the mass, and if it was similar to the meteor, it might as well be a meteor. He seemed a bit surprised at the question. o__O" I wonder why.
Can't have been the first time someone's asked that... could it?
Anyway, he then said that he had to go deal with more important questions. -___-" Sif that's not an important question.
So yeah, near the end of class, Paul and Aaron asked about what would happen if there was a meteor coming towards the Earth, and sir went on to explain that blowing it up would be a bad idea, because then we'd just get lots of smaller pieces hitting the Earth anyway. Apparently a better idea to send a rocket to deflect it or something, but our current rocket technology is inadequate.
Anyway, after that, I stuck up my hand, and I asked him about the marshmallow problem again.
His expression was priceless. xD
We ended up discussing giant marshmallows that could hit the Earth.
Paul asked if it might just bounce off the Earth, but according to Mr. Pitt, even if it was only 10 kg, at the speeds it travels, it would still blow up a big chunk or our city. LOL!
El SHITE! That would be total pwnage.
Marshmellow Meteor + Earth + Speed = BOOM

[Note to God: Please ignore my previous wish about the marshmallows falling from the sky]
Guy that doesn't want to be killed by a marshmallow
GAH! They look so damned tasty though!
I seriously don't see how one of these things could kill me.
lol my original question was
"sir what would happen if a big meteor hit us?"
"how big?"
"BIG. like the size of the sun"
"... a meteor 10km would kill us all"
"oh... i guess a meteor the size of the sun is overdoing it then"
lol and if we know a meteor is going to hit, we're running to sit right under it. best way to die apparently.
the other option, drown by the 500m tsunami or freeze to death in 3 weeks.
the instant death option of sitting under it isnt too stupid now huh?
mmkay. i shall editing.
and i drew an awesome diagram. :D
Can't have been the first time someone's asked that... could it? LOL anh who thinks about this stuff?
Hooray for Epic Fail - 20% gone.
ANYWAY, I like the diagram :D
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