Anyway, somehow I ended up wondering about how our world wwould b if Australia had EVAs. Pretty mad, I reckon. I meant, we could just have some huge ass secret base under the middle of the Australian desert [because God knows we have a fuckin' load of it], and noone would have any clue where it was.

Imagine that; some bombass country declares war on us
-big hole in middle of desert opens up
-big plane in middle of desert flies to foolish country
-big plane drops big eva on foolish country
-eva wreaks destruction
Good plan, yeah? I mean, it's not as if we wouldn't have a testing ground for it. Just relocate some Abos, and there you go. Testing ground. You know, we coulda conquered the world if we had EVA during WWII. Woulda been MAD!
Hell, you know what else would be mad? If during the time of WWII, I had my own madass Asian country in the middle of.. whatever sea that is, with EVAs and my superior technology. LOL! Freaking pwn Japan, and those communists.

Actually, speaking of weird dreams, apparently Paul went through all of yesterday thinking Lisa was pregnant, just because he didn't see her on msn on Saturday. o__O"
Good logic.
Missing from MSN one night = in labour
Reminds me of a weirdass dream I had myself, a few weeks back.
So I was sitting in the library yeah? Springy comes in and tells me "Jam is pregnant.", and I was like "EL SHITE! WTF IS THAT??!!"
& Truong randomly walked in, and started laughing at Jamie, because apparently, in my dream, it wasn't impossible, just a rare condition (which of course he would know about, being a doctor). Anyway, Springy told me that when it was out of Jamie's chest cavity, she would pretend to be it's mother.
I think it's safe to say, my dream is a hundred times creepier than Paul's.
[That's what I get for watching Alien VS Predator, and Junior in the same night]
Anyway, David ended up being the godfather, and it turns out, our school was in fact being invaded by the Taliban, and I pressed some button on my Donut Controller [some sort of wrist thingo], and it caused Maria, Springy, Jana, Blosia, Wilson, Warren, Andrew, Ben Soo and I, to mysteriously appear in Mountain Donut special armour. o___O"
[Warren was the pink one]

Note: If anyone is wondering why I named 9 people and only 7 are present, it's because someone had to TAKE the photo [me], and Ben Soo was too fat to fit into the photo.
LOL, I was like "EL SHITE! IT WORKS!". We then went on to defeat the taliban in iceworld, but at a loss; Warren died from being AWPed in the face.
Oh well. You can't expect to get through a terrorist attack without a few casualties.
[Weird that Warren gets into crappy situations even in my dream.]
Guy with weird dreams
lol. agreed.
can i be the yellow one =D
you were already the yellow one. o___O"
it's odd, i already associate you with that colour.
either that, or orange for some reason.
LOL (y)
Missing from MSN one night = in labour LOL @ paul.
funny theres 10 people you mentioned.. and only 7 in the picture, what colour am i? =D
actually, there's 9 people i mentioned, and the photo was obviously missing me and wilson, since we're MAD and don't need to line up for group photos.
LOL. dont need to line up for group photos?
shut up julie-sama >.>
my mind is just very imaginative.
and plus, it was 2 nights missing. lol
loll EVAs in aus would be cool as long I get to pilot =O - but pretty pointless as the rest of the world doesnt give a shit about us and therefore no one would bother to attack..
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