Sunday, March 8, 2009

The First: Response to Maria's blog

First of all, I'd just like to say some things before I start blogging.

Uhh, well, I'm anh. I think I convinced Maria to go write a blog, but I'll never know.

Anyways, I didn't particularly like blogspot, but then, I had this livejournal account, that was all bomb, so I was like ~might as well make a blogspot acc. [It makes it easier to comment on ppl's accounts]

Plus, LJs are for emos. >,>

Ahem, so anyway:

So it seems that Maria has encountered some sort of enigma toilet. o___o

Apparently, despite the fact that it is a standard flush toilet, it had no cistern filled with water, and was instead, just a pole with a screw. o__O"

Where did the water come from??!!?!?!

& of course, with humanity's luck, Maria happened to be convinced by her lil sis not to take a photo. A most foolish mistake indeed. Furthermore, I doubt Maria even knows the location of this restaurant.

We must take this opportunity and obtain this toilet at once!

This toilet may be the answer to Australian droughts! It could be worth millions. o__O"


In a tower, 100 ft above Uluru, the heart of Australia, sits the Enigma Toilet, connected to pipes that spread across the whole of Australia, channeling precious water to every corner of Australia.

Imagine that! The implications of this discovery is enormous!

The Enigma Toilet, sitting in the heart of Australia, with an infinite source of water, flowing everywhere, from the barren red desert to the rugged mountain ranges of N.S.W., feeding our magnificent nation with beautiful toilet water.

Based on this logic, the course of action that I deemed most appropriate was immediate activation and deployment of the Mountain Donuts to secure this National Treasure at once!

Mountain Donuts, ROLL OUT!!!

Captain Spicy Wings of the Mountain Donuts Special Forces Unit