It turns out that the touching fingers bit of it is harder than expected.
I admit, it was my fault.
It was actually pretty lucky it was just a practice. If I had screwed up during the real thing, we might have ended up like this guy.

Anyway, you guys try fusion dance too, and tell me how it turns out for you. :]
Steps are below
[Mts = Metric Tea Span
a.k.a. the person who made this diagram is a dumbshit
and thinks the abbreviation of metres is Mts]

Anyway, I wonder what would've turned out had we actually fused. According to Maria, she'd be the domimant one, and according to the Fusion Dance naming scheme, her name would come first.
Maria + Anh ----> Maryanne
Works out yeah? Sounds a bit too masculine, but oh well. Good enough. It's lucky that Maria isn't a girl, otherwise it'd make naming more difficult.
Anyway, Wednesdays are boring now. Nothing really happens anymore.
OH! But today, in Mac Bowling, I got 44. (Y)
Finally over 35! xD
It's actually weird that somehow, over the course of two years, instead of improving, I actualy got SHITTER.
Very odd. I used to get 40s-mid 60s, and now I would be lucky to get 30.
Chemistry and Physics tutor wasn't that bad. We told Tien about Andrew Do and his year 9 camp adventures. Year 9 camp was actually fun, but it was riddled with disturbing occurences. Funny, but disturbing.
I don't think we should let Andrew Do, Tommy Nguyen and Paul Pham be in the same cabin together. I think that's what I learnt most thoroughly during year 9 camp. See, sometimes in the morning, Andrew Do would just wake up, and wake everyone else but Tommy up, so we could watch him climb into Tommy's bed, get under the blankets and give him a nice good hug good morning.
Not the nicest thing to observe.
I recall Tommy sleepily trying to kick Do outta his bed. xD
More disturbingly, I don't think anyone in my cabin could forget Paul Pham, and his
"Don't come in sir! We're naked!" or his apparent naked sleeping habits.
We didn't need to know Paul.
We didn't need to know.
Even worse was when we went whale hunting, and it was stacks on Ben So, Perfectly normal
Then PAUL came along, into our cabin, got on top of all of us and started initiating very odd pelvic motions.
Funny but... a little too scary?
Another thing that I learnt is, if you value Jamie's cookies, don't leave them alone with Wilson. Lol, the cookout was compulsory, but he just decided he wasn't going, and stayed at the cabins playing Forgotten Warrior on his phone and eating Jamie's oreos despite being told to only take "a few".
But that's another story.
I wouldn't want to ruin this boring ass blog of a boring ass day with something that might make your brains cells work a little.
the sad thing is.
its basically all true =="
Another thing that I learnt is, if you value Jamie's cookies, don't leave them alone with Wilson.
LOL. apparently he ate them while we were at the cookout? XDDDDD:
all my friends also ate my oreos. T______T
the diagrams are prettttty cool :D
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