HAHAHAHAHA! He's back! He's back! Carmen-kid is back!
I'd explain the name, but it might be offensive to some people.
Think his real name is Thien or something.
Argh! And somehow he got a lot taller too!
He's almost my height!
I'm constantly put to shame.
But anyway, what a scary kid! Scary!
If there was anyone in real life, I thought could use tkd in a real fight, rather than get owned, it'd be this kid.
Just standing in front of him, feels like he just wants to hurt you.
Plus, he's got an all new longer, gangsterier haircut too.
"He looks like a ganger." - Nafalie Fan
It's so awesome. He's freaking fast. I think I may admire him.
According to master, if he were just a bit older, master wouldn't be able to match him in a fight anymore.
Of course that's because master's old, but doesn't it make him sound like that sort of scary kid? Anyway, even though I'm slow with reflexes, I still think it's pretty cool he got three kicks into my stomach before I could block.
He chains jump kicks so fast. And without throwing his body in too.
It's ironic that despite being so scary, he's probably not a gangster. He's only year 7 or something too I think. Same age as that Alan kid who hates Mr. Carter I think.
Anyway, he might just end up being a gangster, I hear his parents are divorced. Although I don't think a divorce isn't a big deal in this day and age, it affects different people in different ways.
Ahh, but seriously, he makes Thomas Nguyen and the former B2S look like the Wiggles. What an awesome kid. What an interesting idea.
I really wish I could see him fight Thomas Nguyen. I think i'd be interesting. Yes. Interesting. Hahahahaha.
Ah, well, he's not the only one that's scary. That midget 26 year old 4 dan woman, umm, Lan An? During a tournament, bell rings, moves in, one turning kick, and knocks the guy out, giving him a black out. That's just owned.
Anyway, he's not all scary. Carmen-kid I mean. During his grading for 1 dan, from black belt, during the breaking section, the tile wasn't all that he broke. Hahaha. Comes in next week with his arm in a sling. Although he's scary and all, I guess his bones as well as his technique were underdeveloped. Didn't seem to mind his arm being like that too much though. I think he still sparred. O_O""