Friday, March 13, 2009

The Fourth: MechQuest is the Essence of Good Living


yesterday, instead of studying for the maths test like I should've, I was playing MechQuest with Paul Pham. xDDDDDDDDDDD

For a bombass flash game, it's pretty good.

I'm hectic yes?

Paul's Mecha Pilot: Lieutenant Cassio

My Mecha Pilot: Captain Spicy Wings

Anyway, I think I'm a little kid inside. o___O"

The whole time I was playing, I was like "El shite!This mecha is fuckin cool!" after every cool robot thingo I saw. Mecha should not seem cool to 16 year old guys. =___="
Still, it looks so cool to me!!! >O

FUUUCCCKKK that's pro!

So yeah, spent 4-9:30 playing MechQuest. What an exciting life I lead.


Hero of the MechQuest Universe


paulie said...

my mechquest is better than urs

Anonymous said...

im not crazy im just a little unwell
i know right now you cant tell
but stay awhile and maybe then youll see
a different side of meee
im not crazy im just a little impaired
i know right now you dont care
but soon enough youre gonna think of me
and how I used to beeee

Julie said...


Julie said...

jah-nahhh! sing for me. ;D

Anonymous said...

there i commented. happy? =="

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

albina N muro said...

Pilot your mecha and free artix entertainment points battle enemies online in this fantasy sci-fi RPG game based in outer space. Play Mech Quest in your web browser for free.